Saturday 29 July 2017

Ignotas Laurinavičius 1827-1917

Ignotas was my paternal greatgrandfather who died 100 years ago, on 2 June 1917.

As a young man he experienced serfdom (it was not abolished in that part of czarist Lithuania until the early 1860s), then worked as a forester or forestry warden. He married Monika Vyšniauskaitė (1846-1909) and together they had ten children, eight of whom survived to adulthood. The family lived in and around Pavejuonis, a village NW of Kaunas, between the towns of Raudondvaris and Babtai, and were regular parishioners at the Raudondvaris parish church. Ignotas lived to 90 years of age and is buried at the Raudondvaris cemetery (where his wife and five of their children are also buried).

Their children were: Juozas (1866-1931); Uršulė (1869-c1948); Pranas (1872-?); Antanas (1874-74);
Stasys (1874-1927); Vincas (1876-77); Viktorija (1878-1972); Elena (1880-1914); Ona (my grandmother, 1883-1969); and Antanina (1885-1972).

Ignotas Laurinavičius, mano prosenelis, mirė Pavejuonyje prieš 100 metų, 1917m birželio 2d. Jaunystėje buvo baudžiauninkas, vėliau eigulys. Vedęs Monika Vyšniauskaitė, šeima užaugino aštuonius vaikus, dar du mirė vaikystėje. Visi vaikai buvo krikštyti Raudondvario bažnyčioje, Raudondvario kapinėse ilsisi Ignotas ir Monika.